Ziv Zemah Shamir
Most of our research has been conducted in the Mediterranean Sea [1], an important research area because it is significantly affected by global climate change. It therefore constitutes a "marine laboratory" and acts as a unique model to predict potential future impact on oceans. Phase 1 was based on a shark tagging procedure as part of our long-term monitoring of shark populations in Israel, according to Dr Gruber's protocol (Bimini Biological Field Station, Bahamas). The main goal is to analyze and understand the abundance and distribution of sharks in the Mediterranean along the Israeli coastline[2], to study the seasonal, periodic and daily migration routes (including range movements), dial activity, identification of the sharks and their species, and the size of the aggregation.
In phase 2, we will implement laboratory experiments in parallel with test experiments reflective and operant response (active action) and testing the animal's behavior in a way that is not directly to the subject's sense (psychophysical test). The response variables would include intensity, speed, duration, stimulus size, time span, and space. The method involves the use of opto-acoustic devices which constitute the smallest interference with experiments.
In order to understand and investigate the gathering (aggregation) of sharks along the Hadera coastline and the influence of sharks on humans and vice versa, we analyzed the ecological-social-economic consequences of shark tourism. This is a new concept that has not yet been recognized in Israel, as well as the risks of visitor (hikers, swimmers, divers, kayakers, etc.) pressure on the marine environment. We also completed research regarding the human-nature conflict to understand whether interaction with sharks may affect people's attitudes toward maintaining the marine environment.
Ph.D. candidate